Sunday, February 13, 2011


Lately, I've been going through a mussel-mania phase. By that, I mean I'm craving mussels and am just so darn excited by them. That is, in the different ways I can cook them. Mussels are easy to cook, are (usually) readily available, and are great for you. Mussels have a special omega-3 fatty acid that helps battle against heart disease, low cholesterol and even blood cots. The best mussels (I think) are definitely from Prince Edward Island. Because of the cold, crisp and clean waters of the Atlantic ocean, the best mussels are cultivated in this environment. If you're curious about mussels just as much as I am, here are a few good sites to know how they are cultivated, stored and cooked:
  • Discover Mussels/Mussel Industry Council-this site discusses the sustainability of mussels, great recipes on how to cook them and proper storage of them.
  • Pitchin' In- hosted by Food Network Canada's chef Lynn Crawford, chronicles her interesting food journeys on how different foods are grown, cultivated and farmed. This link will take you to the mussel episode where she heads to Prince Edward Island, mussel Capital of the World!
  • Chef Michael Smith-popular Food Network Canada host/chef has a new web series, Food Country (also mentioned in one of my earlier posts). Offered on his own site, or at PEI Flavours, you can watch episodes of Michael Smith in which he has a new adventure each week to different farmers in beautiful Prince Edward Island-from farm to plate. The above link will take you to the episode of mussel seeding.

1 comment:

  1. When are you going to cook me some mussels?
    I think mussels are amazing in jambalaya!
